New Delhi | The Prayagraj Rail Division under North Central Railway zone has started a 10-day long inspection drive from August 15 in the pantry cars of the trains after it received several complaints against the service staff, a Railways circular said.
The circular dated August 14, 2024 issued by the Division and marked to all commercial inspectors and chief ticket examiners said there are often complaints against serving staff of the pantry cars that they overcharge, misbehave with the travellers and sell products to the passengers after consuming liquor.
It further directed the officials to conduct a drive from August 15 to August 24 in the pantry cars of all the trains crossing the division to take action against guilty catering service providers and to stop such incidents.
“Submit a report of the drive by 12:00 PM on 25.08.24 in this office,” the circular said.
Railway sources from the division said that the ongoing drive has achieved fruitful results so far because the inspection team has found several irregularities and complaints against the pantry staff true.
“A report will be submitted after the inspection and strict action will be taken against such employees, who are indulging in anti-passengers activities,” an official from the division said.