INS welcomes passage of PRP Bill by Parliament

The Indian Newspaper Society on Friday welcomed the passage of the Press and Registration of Periodicals Bill by Parliament, terming it a crucial step in modernising the regulatory framework governing the press in the country.
Lok Sabha
Lok Sabha
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New Delhi |The Indian Newspaper Society on Friday welcomed the passage of the Press and Registration of Periodicals Bill by Parliament, terming it a crucial step in modernising the regulatory framework governing the press in the country.

The passage of the Press and Registration of Periodicals (PRP) Bill is a momentous occasion that marks a crucial step towards modernising the regulatory framework governing the press in India by replacing the Press and Registration of Books Act, 1867, Indian Newspaper Society (INS) President Rakesh Sharma said in a statement.

The bill addresses the evolving needs of the print media industry in the digital age, he added.

Sharma also appreciated the efforts of lawmakers in recognising the importance of updating legislation to meet the contemporary challenges faced by the vibrant and dynamic print media.

The INS is committed to working closely with the Union Ministry of Information and Broadcasting during the subsequent stages of the legislative process and contributing insights to further refine the regulatory framework, he said.

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