The Asthika Samaj , Mumbai - Centenary Celebrations

The Asthika Samaj in Mumbai is celebrating 100 years with a year long programme of festivities, traditions, devotion and cultural extravaganza. The inaugural ceremony is on Sep 17, 2023. Padmashri Suresh Gopi is the Chief Guest.
Asthika Samaj Temple, Matunga, Mumbai
Asthika Samaj Temple, Matunga, Mumbai
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Matunga (Mumbai) | The Asthika Samaj is celebrating 100 years of its functioning with a year long programme from July 2023 to July 2024 at their temple premises, Matunga. The grand commemorative year of festivity, traditions, devotion and cultural extravaganza will be inaugrated on Sep 17, 2023 (5 pm – 8 pm). Famous Malayalam actor and Ex. Member of Parliament Padmashri Suresh Gopi is the Chief guest of the inaugural function.

The itinerary of the Inaugural Celebration

Sudarshana Homam: 4.15 pm to 6 pm

Welcoming Chief Guest and other dignitaries: 6 pm

Welcome speech: Trustee

Launch of the Centenary year Celebration Logo: Padmashri Suresh Gopi

Video presentation of Gita Govinda (a Kathak Dance Ballet) - A new digital protrayal of Jayadevas 12th Century Sanskrit epic poem Gita Govinda. This Kathak poetry is the essence and philosophy encompassing years of history that consist of 24 Ashtapadis.

This is followed by cultural programme.

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