Pune | The MPSC on Thursday said that it has postponed the Maharashtra Gazetted Civil Services Combined Preliminary Examination, which was scheduled to be held on August 25, amid a protest by aspirants pushing for a date change and making a few more demands.
The recruitment body announced the postponement in a post on X.
The Maharashtra Public Service Commission (MPSC) said it would announce the new date in the coming days.
Many job-seekers, preparing for the MPSC preliminary exam, have been protesting in Pune since Tuesday night demanding a different date saying it clashed with the Indian Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) exam for clerical positions.
They also want recruitment to more posts done through this exam.
“In a meeting today, it has been decided to postpone the Maharashtra Gazetted Civil Services Combined Preliminary Examination. The new date of the said exam will be announced soon,” MPSC said in the post on X.
However, the protesting candidates were not satisfied with the announcement, saying they would continue with their agitation till their main demand for the bringing 258 posts from the agriculture department under the ambit of the latest MPSC prelims.
“Till our other demands like the inclusion of 258 posts of agriculture department (in MPSC exam) are not met, our agitation will continue,” said a candidate.
Earlier, NCP (SP) chief Sharad Pawar had sided with the candidates, warning that he would join the agitation if the government failed to make its stand clear on the matter.
“It is the responsibility of the state government to consider the interests of students taking the MPSC exam …
However, it seems, the rulers are not taking it seriously. By tomorrow (Thursday), if the government does not clarify its stand, I will go to the agitation venue and take part in the agitation to ensure justice for the candidates,” he wrote on X late on Wednesday night.
NCP (SP) legislator Rohit Pawar has already joined the MPSC aspirants and has been sitting with the agitating candidates.