Mumbai | Maharashtra Deputy Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis on Tuesday ordered setting up of a Special Investigation Team (SIT) for a probe into the alleged attempt by a group of people from a different religion to force their way into the famous Trimbakeshwar temple in Nashik.
Security guards at the Trimbakeshwar temple had thwarted the group's attempt on Saturday night, a temple trust official said on Monday.
As per the temple management, only Hindus are allowed to enter the temple - one of the 12 Jyotirlingas of Lord Shiva.
The temple trust had submitted a complaint to the police.
Some video clips of the incident went viral on social media platforms.
The office of Fadnavis in a statement said an officer of the additional director general (ADG) rank will head the SIT.
“The SIT will not only conduct a probe into this incident, but will also investigate a similar incident which took place last year at the same temple. A group representing certain community had entered the temple,” Fadnavis said in the statement.