GM Banatwala Center for Humanity conducted a blood donation camp

TKC Mohammad Ali Haji, AIKMCC Advisory Board Chairman, inaugurated the event.
Blood donation camp by GM Banatwala Center of AIKMCC Board
Blood donation camp by GM Banatwala Center of AIKMCC Board
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Mumbai | AIKMCC Maharashtra State Committee led GM Banatwala Center for Humanity conducted Blood Donation Camp. AIKMCC Advisory Board Chairman TKC Mohammad Ali Haji inaugurated the blood donation camp at Amber International Hotel, Andheri East. AIKMCC Maharashtra State President Aziz Maniyur presided over the function.

Former Maharashtra minister and Congress leader Arif Naseem Khan was the chief guest. He offered all kinds of assistance and cooperation for all the activities of the organization. He said that the difficulties faced by the Malayalees in any part of Maharashtra should be conveyed and the Congress party will be with them.

Muslim League National Secretary CK Zubair delivered the keynote speech. He noted that the continuous activities of humanity and charity by Maharashtra KMCC are commendable. About fifty people including AIKMCC leaders and workers donated blood.

General Secretary Zainuddin VK welcomed and Treasurer PM Iqbal presided over blood donation camp. TA Khalid, PV Siddique, Ansar CM, MA Khalid Hamza Ghatkopar Kabir VK etc, spoke during the function.

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