Thiruvananthapuram | Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan on Thursday announced a plan to construct 1000 square feet single-storey houses, with the option to expand to two storeys, for the families affected by the landslides in Wayanad on July 30.
The decision was unanimously agreed upon in an all-party meeting convened by Vijayan to chalk out a rehabilitation plan for those affected by the devastating landslides in which 78 people still remain missing, a statement issued by the Chief Minister's Office (CMO) said.
In the meeting, it was also decided to carry out rehabilitation for the victims of the landslides in Vilangad village in Kozhikode district of the state, the statement said.
The landslides in both places occurred on the same day hours after each other.
All necessary arrangements would be made at the place where the rehabilitation will be carried out and first priority in housing would be given to those who lost their homes in the landslides, the statement said.
Those who had to relocate would be considered in the second phase, it said, adding that the rehabilitation package would also ensure a means of livelihood.
According to the district administration, 183 houses were swept away, 145 were completely destroyed, 170 were partially damaged and 240 were rendered uninhabitable in the landslides.
Additionally, 340 hectares of farm land was lost in the disaster.
In the meeting, it was also decided to provide employment to the maximum number of employable persons and women will be given required training to engage in the profession of their interest, the CMO statement said.
With regard to loans taken by those who were living in the disaster-hit areas, those taking part in the meeting were told that the banks were considering writing off the debts and a final decision would be taken by the banks' governing bodies.
Rebuilding of schools in the disaster-hit areas and constructing schools where the rehabilitation will take place would also be carried out as required, the statement said.
In the meeting, it was also decided that there needs to be an adequate warning system with regard to disasters like landslides.
It was decided that the help of a central agency will be requested in that regard and the institute for climate change study in the state will be further strengthened, the statement said.
The help of a central government agency will be sought in this regard also, it added.
Over 200 people died in the landslides that hit Mundakkai and Chooralmala areas of Wayanad on July 30.