Cop held for raping and looting teenage sex worker

The 17-year-old girl was from Bangladesh and the cop extorted Rs 7 lakh from her.
Cop held for raping and looting teenage sex worker
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Mumbai | A police constable was arrested from Sangli city in Maharashtra for allegedly raping a 17-year-old girl from Bangladesh and extorting Rs 7 lakh from her under different pretexts, an official said on Wednesday.

The accused constable is posted at Vishrambag police station.

The official said the girl hails from Bangladesh and is currently staying in a slum with a woman in Sangli.

"The incident occurred in January when the constable entered her shanty and raped her. He extorted Rs two lakh from her to allow her to do prostitution work. He sexually assaulted her repeatedly," the official said.

He extorted another Rs 5 lakh from the girl over months by raising a false alarm that the police are going to raid her hut and similar pretexts.

Police recorded the statement of the girl who is sent to the child correction home.

The constable was arrested under Indian Penal Code (IPC) section for rape and the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act (POCSO). Further investigation is underway, the official added.

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