Two killed as bus falls into ditch

One woman died and several persons were injured after a passenger bus from here to Khandwa fell into a ditch.
Two killed as bus  falls into ditch
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Indore | One woman died and several persons were injured after a passenger bus from here to Khandwa fell into a ditch.

Simrol police said the accident took place around 2.30 pm near Baigram village on the Indore–Icchapur State Highway on Bhairav Ghat falls. Police and emergency services involved in the rescue operation claimed that the condition of some of the passengers was critical and they were referred to the city, while the rest were sent to the community health centre in Simrol. Villagers nearby joined in evacuating the injured.

The bus was completely packed with around 50 passengers. Sources said the bus at speed in the ghat section and the driver might have failed to negotiate the curve and lost control, leading to the mishap.

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