Liquor contractors stays away from auctions - Loss of revenue for Excise dept

Not a single group has participated in the renewal of liquor contract and open lottery called in the beginning of March. In such a situation, Rs 113 crore, which was to be received by the Excise Department from the renewal, has slipped out of hand this time.
Liquor contractors stays away from auctions -  Loss of revenue for Excise dept
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Dhar | A fierce competition is always witnessed regarding liquor contracts in the state, contractors are looking far and wide to get more liquor contracts in every district. But this time the situation is being seen opposite. The reason for this has not been revealed at the moment.

Not a single group has participated in the renewal of liquor contract and open lottery called in the beginning of March. In such a situation, Rs 113 crore, which was to be received by the Excise Department from the renewal, has slipped out of hand this time.

It is worth noting that every year the contract for renewal and license contract of liquor shops is done in March. In return, the Excise Department gets revenue of crores of rupees. But this time the excise has lost its huge revenue. The first loss has been Rs 113 crore to excise. Till March 3, not a single group shop has been renewed in the process of renewal of the proposed liquor shops. Due to this, now the process of auctioning the shops has to be done afresh.

In Dhar district, there used to be competition among the contractors to get the liquor contract. Due to direct connection with Gujarat, big liquor contractors and groups have been active. But this time no one is able to understand the disillusionment of the contractors from Dhar.

After the process of allotment of liquor shops got bogged down, preparations are now being made to issue the final e-tender. Excise is issuing e-tenders for 84 shops falling in all 10 groups. These tenders will be issued on March 14. While the tenders will be open on March 17. This tender process will decide the future of liquor contracts in Dhar district.

For the last two years, the entire business of liquor business is being run in Dhar district by forming a single syndicate. But this time the liquor syndicate has also distanced itself from the contract. The reason for this has not been revealed. But it is clear from this that the Excise Department may have to lose much more than the annual revenue received in the contracts this time. But how the officers compensate for this loss is a matter to be seen.

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