NTAGI panel takes up inclusion of COVOVAX on CoWIN portal

The Covid-19 Working Group of the National Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (NTAGI) discussed the inclusion of Covovax vaccine as a heterologous booster dose for adults on the CoWin portal to boost the uptake of precaution doses, official sources said on Saturday.
NTAGI panel takes up inclusion of COVOVAX on CoWIN portal
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New Delhi | The Covid-19 Working Group of the National Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (NTAGI) discussed the inclusion of Covovax vaccine as a heterologous booster dose for adults on the CoWin portal to boost the uptake of precaution doses, official sources said on Saturday.

A final decision on its inclusion will be taken by the NTAGI's Standing Technical Sub-Committee (STSC) which is likely to meet by the end of this month.

The Covid-19 Working Group discussed the matter on Wednesday.

According to an official source, Prakash Kumar Singh, Director of Government and Regulatory Affairs at the Serum Institute of India (SII), had written to the Health Ministry last month seeking inclusion of Covovax on the CoWIN portal.

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