New Delhi | Malayalam film "Aattam: The Play" won the award for best feature film and Sooraj R Barjatya was judged best director for the Hindi movie "Uunchai" in the National Film Awards announced on Friday.
The best actress award was shared by Nithya Menon, who got it for the Tamil film 'Thiruchitrambalam', and Manasi Parekh for the Gujarati movie "Kutch Express". The award for best actor went to Rishabh Shetty for the Kannada hit "Kantara".
Neena Gupta was best supporting actress for 'Uunchai' and Pawan Malhotra best supporting actor for the Haryanvi film "Fouja".
Sharmila Tagore and Manoj Bajpayee starrer "Gulmohar" won the award for Hindi film. Bajpayee also got a special mention.
A R Rahman won the National Film Award for best music director (background music) for his work in Mani Ratnam's "Ponnyin Selvan-Part 1", which was also named the best Tamil film. Pritam got the award for best music director (songs) for "Brahmastra-Part 1".
The awards were announced by feature film jury head Rahul Rawail.